
I can't wait for Twenty9Pearls


Twentyninepearls is one of the projects of Yves Brunson.
As a first single, he proposes an acoustic cover of “I Can't Wait�?, the electro classic of Soldout.
The influences of Yves are, obviously, Tom Mc
Rae or Damien Rice. You could think also in Jose Gonzales and his version of “Heartbeat�? of The Knife.
By word of mouth, this cover ended up arriving on a desk of the advertising agency Duval Guillaume.
Among bands like The Arcade Fire or The Foo
Fighters, this demanding agency decided to select
Twenty9pearls to illustrate the Pure Fm campaign.
So “I can't Wait�? is now the music of the promotional film diffused in cinemas and television.
This spot and its music are nominated to the CCB Awards 2007 of the Creative Club of Belgium which rewards the best advertising films produced in Belgium.